Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Maintenance Day

3.16.11  Nance Jo, George, Bob, Earl  Maintenance was performed on our adopted segment of the Cumberland Trail just off of Hotwater road.  Not much to say about this day.  The weather was perfect for performing maintenance to the trail.  This type of work is always slow going, but as you can see from the pictures, it really makes the trail look better.  We worked about 1.2 miles of the trail up to Posey point.  We will schedule another work day this spring.  For a few before and after pictures, click on the tab "Maintenance Day".

Savage Gulf - Collins West Hike

2.12.2011  We enjoyed a combined hike with the Murfreesboro chapter as well as a couple of people from other areas.  It was quite cool when we arrived and there was some snow.  The hike in was rather treacherous with several area of ice and snow covered rocks.  The real challenge was at Suter Falls where ice and overhanging icicles made the going very dangerous and slow.  The view here was incredible and slowly but surely everyone made it past the ice and over the one-at-a-time bridge.  There were a couple more perilous points, but we finally made it to Hoursepound Falls.  This was a beautiful location and here we stopped for lunch.  The return was also challenging, but again everyone made it safely and all were rewarded with a very satisfying hike.  The total distance was 5.6 miles and I would rate this hike as difficult.  For some pictures, see the tab labeled Collins West.