Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Bird Mountain @ Frozen Head

 Saturday's hike was an approximate 8 mile grind up Bird Mountain.  I said the first time I hiked this trail, was "one and done".  Since making that statement, I have made the hike 5 more times.  I don't know why-there are no water falls or spectacular overlooks to reward the effort, but still I repeat the trek.  Our hike started at the Lookout Tower trailhead at the far end of Big Cove Campground.  The trail ascended gradually, rut relentlessly, up the south flank of Bird Mountain until we reached the top ridge.  Here we made a sharp left onto the easier stretch of Bird Mountain Trail and we continued along the top of the ridge toward Castle Rock.  This stretch is also part of the Cumberland Trail.  We continued on the trail to Castle Rock where we began our downward descent on what seemed like endless switchbacks.  I'm not sure which is the better way to tackle this trail-clockwise or counter clockwise.  The counter clockwise is a steady climb.  The clockwise is steep but quicker.  So if you like to get your pain over faster, I would recommend clockwise.  All being said, it was a great fall hike.  The weather was clear and cool-perfect for this difficult hike.  

If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike, please click here.  

Fairfield Glade 10.23.2022

 After a long 1.5 hour drive North, we reached our destination at Fairfield Glade.  There were 13 hikers on this 4.1 mile hike.  The maximum height was 2060 feet and minimum was 1795.  The time of the hike was about 2 hrs and 30 minutes.  We were lucky and the weather was perfect for a fall hike and the foliage was in full color.  This hike was rated as easy to moderate and covered all sorts of topography.  Following the hike we had lunch as a deli in Crossville and the three carloads of people started back to Soddy Daisy. 

If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike including maps and altitude graph, click here.