Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Lookout Mtn. Bluff Trail 11.20.18

It started out kind of cool and cloudy....and it remained that way through out the hike.  The trail was heavily littered with leaves which meant that everyone had to be cautious where they put their feet.  You couldn't tell what was under the leaves that might surprise you and cause a tumble.  Of course the leaves were wet which further required caution.  Their were 16 hikers on this hike.  I would rate the first 0.8 miles as strenuous.  As you can see from the graph (see pictures) it pretty much went UP!  After that initial climb the trail became moderate.  There were lots of chances to take in the views from the overlooks.  The details of the hike were elapsed time of 1:57 with an average moving speed of 1.77 mph which is pretty slow.  We ascended 533ft.  If you would like to see some pictures of the hike including map and graph, click here

Immodium Falls 11.17.18

This hike was from the the Retro Hughes Trailhead to Immodium Falls and return. The hike distance was about 8 miles and I would rate the hike as strenuous.   
Today we had 5 hikers. The day started out with a nice frost and ended up with the afternoon temperatures in the 50's and  sunny weather.  We hiked to the falls and had our lunch there. As you can see from some of the photos the falls were running really well.
I you would like to see some nice pictures from John P. click here