Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Lost Sea Adventure

1.15.11   Mary from Nashville, Group from E. Tennessee, Nance Joe, Earl.  Everyone met at the entrance to the Lost Sea.  From there we took the tour of the cave to the lost sea.  The cave was interesting and the trout in the lost sea were most happy to see us arrive with food.  There were many more trout than I expected and they were quite large.  The tour lasted about one hour and fifteen minutes.  After the tour, some of us took the short nature trail (1/3 mile).  We were the first on the trail since the snow fall and enjoyed that some of the trees were marked so that we could identify them.  There were deer tracks that followed the entire length of the trail from one deer.  Many other tracks from various creatures were in the snow and we had fun trying to identify them.  After the hike we met at Hunter's Restaurant in Sweetwater, TN and had a nice lunch together.  Hopefully we can get together for future hikes and adventures.  To see pictures click on the Lost Sea tab above.

Stinging Fork

12.8.11 2miles  Nance Jo, Everett, McBob, George, Earl    BRRRRR!  It was cold windy and snowing when we arrived at the trail head for Stinging Fork and the Falls on Little Soak Creek.  It was snowing too heavily to bring the camera, so only a couple of pictures.  The blurred ones were taken with a cell phone.  The steep trip down into the canyon was a little scary as everything was covered with ice and snow but everyone made it successfully.  The falls were beautiful!  To see a couple of pictures click on the Stinging Fork tab.