Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Enterprise South 7.5.16

It was pretty warm for the five hikers and there was a threat of rain.  The rain never materialized.  I would rate this 4.5 mile hike as easy.  The hikers were Boddie, Renee, Bob, Ed and George.  Everyone enjoyed this easy hike.  If you would like to see one additional picture of the hikers, click here or on the Enterprise South tab above.

Leggett Road 7.2.16

Just John and George on this approximately 10 mile hike to the Rock Creek Bridge and back.  I has been extremely hot so I imagine that this is keeping hikers home instead of on the trail.  On the way back from the bridge, this pair of hikers did a little needed trail maintenance.  If you would like to see a few pictures, click here or on the Leggett Road tab above.  Please notice the May Apple picture that George took.  On some of the other pictures, I think that George had a bit of a smear on the lens.