Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Dog Cove to Lost Creek Falls 7.27.2024

 Hiking, history, & humidity… We had them all on our hike of the Dog Cove Loop Trail, Dry Falls Creek Trail, Rylander Cascades & Lost Creek Falls & Cave!

 Seven hikers set out on a beautiful hike through Dog Cove. We walked through open meadows & saw two historic homesteads built in the late 1890’s. We also found remnants of another homestead with the chimney being the only piece still standing. The open meadow was full of beautiful wildflowers… purple passion flowers (Tennessee’s state wildflower), bellflowers, ironweed, butterfly weed, & others. After a nice, flat walk in the cove, we headed uphill for what felt like forever. But, the climb was worth it. At the top of the hill sits Low Gap Arch, a 10’x20’ rock arch. It made a great lunch spot. After eating lunch, we finished the 6-mile Dog Cove loop. Some hikers were finished here & drove their car down to the Lost Creek Falls parking area. They were able to do a short hike to see Rylander Cascades & Lost Creek Falls & Cave.

 Three hikers decided to push on to complete the 12-mile point-to-point hike that includes the Dog Cove Loop Trail, Dry Creek Falls Trail, Rylander Cascades, & Lost Creek Falls & Cave. On the Dry Creek Falls Trail, we walked through a precariously placed set of rocks, stopped at Meditation Rock, & looked at where the “falls” should have been. They don’t call the two waterfalls Dry Creek Falls for nothing. They are usually dry in the summer & times of little rainfall. They are breath-taking in the winter & early spring, though! Next, we came to an impasse with a large Timber Rattlesnake. He was in no hurry whatsoever to move off the trail, so we waited him out. Once, he moved slightly off the trail, we found a way to get around him. We then hiked on to Rylander Cascades which had some water still trickling down, and finally, we made it to Lost Creek Falls & Cave. The waterfall was flowing beautifully, & the cold air coming from the cave felt like air conditioning after 12 miles of hiking in super humid conditions. It was a welcome sensation!

 Overall, despite the humidity & the impasse with the rattlesnake, we had a great day on the trail! A big thanks to all that came out… Tom, Tim, Tammy, Mary, Kim, & Donna!

If you would like to see some really nice pictures taken during this hike, click here.

Ducks have feathers to cover their butt quacks.