Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

White Oak Mtn. 6.28.16

This was an approximately 4.5 mile hike that I would rate as moderate.  The weather was very warm, in the high 80's, but there was some occasional cloud cover.  A total of seven hikers came out for this one.  Everyone had a very nice hike.  Unfortunately, there were no pictures taken so you are out of luck if you are looking.
There were only three hikers on this hike.  This is probably because the weather was so hot.  I think it was probably in the low 90's during the hike.  The hikers were Sarah, Joy and George.  After talking it over, the hike was switched from Cloudland Canyon to Soddy Gulf.  The hike was about 4.5 miles and I would rate it as moderate.  When they returned to the trailhead, George realized that he had lost his keys.  After getting a spare key to the truck, George hiked back down the trail and was lucky enough to find his keys!  If you would like to see a couple pictures, click here or on the Soddy Gulf tab above.