Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Stringer's Ridge 4.3.18

Donna led 14 tired hikers on today's hike of 4 miles.  I say tired because she kept a fast pace with few breaks.  It was good for me as I got lots of exercise and as usual I was the slowest.  I better not complain too much or I'll have to volunteer to lead a hike!  It was overcast, but the temperature was about perfect.  Along the way a few hikers had to stop to take off a light jacket or sweatshirt.  It's great the Chattanooga has managed to put a great hiking and biking facility so close to downtown.  I would rate today's hike as moderate due to the pace and up then down trail (see graph of hike).  Afterwards, about 10 of us had lunch as Edley's BBQ.  If you would like to see some pictures, click here

Booker T. Washington S.P. 3.31.18

There were 9 of us that hiked at Booker T Saturday. Eddy took 2 people on a 3.5 mile hike around the perimeter of the lake. While I took 5 people on a 7+ mile hike that went around the perimeter but had 2 inner loops within the perimeter The weather warmed up fast, but it never got hot. The 3.5 mile hike was easy to mod. Where the 7+ mile hike was mod do to the length of the walk
To see some lovely pictures, click here.