Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking
8.21.12 Caroline, Donna, Renee, Clara and John.  Great hike with the temperature at 70F.  There was even water flowing over the falls!  Everyone had a good time, but no critters were seen.  Thank John for the pictures.  For a few pictures click HERE or on the Laurel Falls tab up above.
8.18.12  McBob, Boody, John and Gary.  The hike was Retro Hughes Road to Leggitt Branch and return.  The weather was excellent with temperatures in the 70's.  They did run into some Yellow Jackets and McBob and John each got stung a couple of times.  It seems that Yellow Jackets, which are wasps, are out in force this time of year.  Others have reported stings on other trails.  This time there are no pictures to post.