Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Durham Street Mines 6.13.2023

 Great day for a an easy hike.  Mostly clear skies with temperatures in the 70's and low humidity.  Our hike leader meandered us around the many trails in this area until most of us were completely lost.  If you decide to hike here, a map is REQUIRED or you may never come out!  There are many many intersecting trails and loops.  This area was once used for coal mining.  There mounds of slag everywhere creating there own hills and valleys.  Thank to the Lula Lake Preserve this area is now protected for the hikers and bikers.  Our hike went for 5.2 miles  and lasted for 3.5 hours for the 12 hikers.  Following the hike most of us went to the Purple Daisy and had a very nice lunch.  

If you would like to see a few pictures including maps and altitude graph, click here.  

Remember, if you get locked out, talk to your lock, communication is the key!