Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Glenn Falls 12.20.2022

 There were 13 of us on this hike.  Most of the hikers had not been on these trails before.  The trails were a combination of Whiteside, St. Elmo, Glenn Falls and Shingle and maybe even another trail.  The weather cooperated.  It was overcast, but the temperature was warmer than expected, hovering in the mid 40's.  I would rate this hike as moderate for our club.  The distance was only about 4.4 miles, but took us over three hours.  Of course we did stop at Glenn Falls and took a snack bread near the end of the hike.  Glenn falls was flowing very nicely and I think everyone had a nice time.  

If you would like to see some photos taken during this hike, click here.  

Prentice Cooper 12.17.2022

 We started this hike with seven humans and one canine and lost three hikers along the way.  Let me explain the scenario.  We parked at Snoopers Rock parking lot, crossed Tower Road to begin our hiike on Mullens Cove trail as a group. We walked along a creek and crossed it three times because the hike leader couldn't find where the trail was located on the other side.  Good practice though, for we had many creek crossings to come - did someone say 27?!  The Group hiked to Mullens Cove overlook to admire the Tennessee River valley. Then we split - hardy hikers decided to trek the 10.5 mile Mullens Cove loop.  Four of us and Max, the dog, took the leisurely sight-seeing trip of 5.1 miles to vbiew the Tennessee gorg at Ransom Hollow overlook off the Pot Point trail.  The cold wind prevented us from lunching at the overlook, but the few downed trees gave us suitable seating and protection from the wind.  The sightseers retraced their steps, and the loopers, well, looped around.  

If you would like to see some photos taken during this hike, click here.  

Lost Creek 12.13.2022

 There were eleven hikers on this approximately 5.25 mile hike.  There was a water crossing that everyone successfully managed to cross as can be seen in the pictures.  Everyone had a great time as the weather cooperated.  No lunch this time as it was getting late and the drive back was quite long.  

If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike, click here.