Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

River Walk at Boathouse 5.23.17

Yes, it rained!  This group of six hikers was prepared for the rain.  The distance of this very social walk was only four miles and I would rate it as easy.  After the hike, the group ate at a local restaurant.  Hike leader George certainly has not lost his appetite.   Their waitress bet that George wouldn't finish his meal.  She lost her bet!  Everyone had a very nice time.  If you would like to see a few more pictures, click here.

Upper Leggett Road 5.20.17

This hike was approximately 5.5 miles on this warm, muggy, overcast day.  I would rate this hike as moderate due to the elevation changes.  There were four hikers, Peggy, George, Boodie and John.  If you would like to see some pictures, click here.