Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Grundy Forest Day Loop (Fiery Gizzard) 9.10.2024

Fall weather, a beautiful trail, and great company… all made for a great hiking experience!  19 of us gathered to hike the approximately 4-mile trail that’s packed with outdoor features. We saw multiple waterfalls, remnants of an old CCC camp, huge rock towers called “The Chimneys,” an approximately 500-year-old hemlock tree, & a few swimming holes. One Scenic City member even decided to take a dip in the beautiful blue/green pool at the base of Sycamore Falls!

The temps were only in the 60’s when we started our hike. You could feel fall in the air. But, we all know Tennessee weather… we probably experienced one of our ‘false falls!’ Real fall or not, we will take it! Lol!

We had two new Scenic City members join us for their first hike with the group. A big, warm welcome goes out to Walter Harrison & Michael Easter!

After we finished our hike, we enjoyed a picnic under the pavilion. It was nice to have everyone together for a meal!

Addendum;  If I to describe the trail, I would say ROCKS, ROCKS, ROOTS ROOTS.  Enough said about that.  According to my GPS, the distance of this hike was right at 5 miles.  The time of the hike was about 3 hours and 25 minutes.  Great hike and a great hike leader, although I wish she had arranged for a little more water in the water falls.  I guess you can’t have everything. 

Break-in at the Apple store.  Police are looking for iWitnesses.

If you would like to see a bunch of photos including maps and altitude graph click here.  

Skyuka Springs 9.8.2024

 Saturday’s hike was the Skyuka trail on Lookout Mountain, to the springs and back. What a wonderful day to be outside. The weather was cool with light sprinkles in the morning and blue sky later. 7 hikers began the trail. 3 hikers returned to the trailhead, marked by a small sign in the weeds, in the afternoon. Is that a problem losing over half of the hikers? (The other 4 had previous obligations, therefore shortened their hike.) Few people were on the path. Fortunately, we met Mr. Spider, the striped orb, instead of walking into his web face first. Only 1 downed tree slowed our progress. Lunch was at the springs which was flowing with a small amount of water.

The return walk was uneventful. Easy hiking on the Lower Truck trail, until we took the connector trail up & up & up & then more up, back to the Skyuka trail. Great cardio workout!

The hike was 9.5 miles with an elevation gain of 1260 feet. Good job hikers, you earned a chocolate chunk cookie!

If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike, click here.  

I sued the airline for losing my luggage.  I lost my case!