Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Chickamauga Battlefield 2.6.18

"It was a cold and dreary day."  That about sums it up.  Actually, it wasn't so bad.  The temperature hovered around 43F and the only drizzle we had was at the Target parking lot.  There were 8 of us on the 5 1/2 mile hike.  I would rate the hike as easy.  The river was swollen and very muddy.  As you can see in some of the pictures there was some water on the trail.  Following the hike we went to Tracks End restaurant and had a very nice lunch.  If you would like to see some somewhat dreary pictures, click here.

Leggett Road 2.3.18

This hike was an approximately a 6 mile hike that began and ended at the Lower Leggett Trailhead. The hike included the Lower Leggett loop, the loop connector trail, and a short side trip to the scenic overlook of the Rock Creek Canyon.
The temperature for today's hike started  out in the low 20's but warmed up nicely by the time we'd finished. The hike was rated as moderately strenuous.  Six hikers participated in today's hike.
To see a few more pictures click here