Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Raccoon Mountain

5.1.12  Nance Jo, Renee, George, Earl   Happy May Day.  The four of us left the parking lot at the switch yard and hiked the trail known as Small Intestine.  It was a warm day, in the mid 80's but the entire trail is in the forest so effectively it is in the shade.  It is a good thing that George was leading this hike as this trail meanders all over the place.  If you look at the trail on a GPS you can certainly see why it is named Small Intestine.  We ate lunch near the end of the hike at a spot know as table rock, which has a great view of the river and canyon.  No misadventures to report.  The length of the hike was four miles and I would rate it as moderate.  George even managed to keep the pace down so the rest of us could keep up.  For a few pictures click here or on the Raccoon Mountain tab above.