Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Savage Gulf 4.9.11

4.9.11 Ana, Nance Jo, Sara H. Bob, Earl.  Perfect day for a hike.  Some overcast, but mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 80s.  We started the hike at the Savage Gulf Ranger Station along with a large group of Boy Scouts.  We hiked a loop and then about 1.5 miles along the rim.  The waterfall was beautiful and we ate lunch at the base.  Some dummy forgot my camera so the pictures were taken with a cell phone hence the poor quality.  The distance was about 7.6 miles and I would rate the hike as easy.  For pictures click on the Savage gulf tab above or click here.

Fooshee Walking Trail

4.6.2011 Pat, Nance Jo, Bob, Earl  Perfect day for a hike except for one thing, TICKS!  We were warned about there being ticks along this trail and they were right.  Except for Pat who was wearing purple? everyone found ticks on their pants.  Usually several at a time.  But it was a great hike.  The first leg took us along the shore to the end of the peninsula.  The second leg involved going on what we thought was a loop along a ridge, but dead ended and required us to retrace our steps.  All in all the 8.7 miles we hiked were excellent.  I would rate this trail as easy.  To see pictures click on the Fooshee tab above or click here