Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Flipper Bend 1.28.2023

 This trail is known for being muddy, poorly blazed, and heavily traveled by motor bikes and ATVs.

This Saturday it was all of the above, but the weather and views from the overlooks, made it a pleasurable hike.

14 hikers showed up to enjoy the hike. Our Saturday hikes are starting to draw as many hikers as the Tuesday hikes – thanks to the promotional efforts of Will and Randy. It only took me about 25 yards from the trailhead kiosk before I had established the poorly blazed labeling this trail has – I missed the first turn onto the trail. Thanks to some alert hikers behind me, we got back on trail.

Shortly into the hike we broke up into 2 groups – the faster and slower hikers. We then proceeded approximately 2.5 miles to the loop part of the trail. I hadn't noticed the elevation change on this part of the trail, but on the return trek, there mysteriously appeared something or someone added some ups and downs to the trail. We made our way to a couple of spectacular overlooks on the loop and had our lunch at the second one. After lunch we finished the rest of the loop and spur back to the trailhead.

The 2 groups returned to the trailhead and there was only approximately a 10 minute separation between them. The trail was in fair condition. It was a great day for the 9 mile hike moderate hike.

If you would like to see a few pictures taken during this hike, click here or on the Walk In The Woods picture.