Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

North Chickamauga Creek 6.20.2020

John Politte, Tammy Hendrick, and Betsy Darken (trip organizer) made an out and back trip on the Cumberland trail starting at Montlake Road.  We had a fine time checking out old coal mines, climbing a very impressive set of stairs that got us almost all the way to the top, then climbing down another set of stairs, almost new, toward North Chickamauga Creek.  The views were spectacular, the weather was beautiful, and the company was great.  We also overcame several glitches, including a locked gate, a flat tire, and a wrong turn  The latter gave two of us an opportunity to go bushwacking in search of the actual trail.  It was a relief when we all managed to find each other again. 
If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike, click here.  If you are trying to view the pictures through the TTA website and having trouble, please go directly to the BLOG at www.sdctta.blogspot.com.