Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Johnston Woods 9.5.2023


A nice day for a stroll at Johnston Farm on Tuesday.  Sixteen of us found our way around rolling forest – so nice to be hiking in the shade given the heat.  We had three new hike leaders running the show (Ginny Kidd, Tim Booth and John Prescott) so the assigned leader lollygagged.  This trail is very nice, well marked and easy to get to and is near our Ooltewah meeting location – go out and give it a try.  

If you would like to see some pictures taken during this hike, click here

Chickamauga Battlefield 9.2.2023

The Saturday hike at the Chickamauga Battlefield Park was a nice hike.  The weather was nice, the humidity was bearable, and temperature was in the low 80's.  Because the park hadn't had any appreciable rain for several days before the hike, the trail was in fairly good condition.  The trails at the park tend to muddy up if we are near the creek or if it has rained recently.  We didn't go near the creek, and as I said, it hadn't rained for several days.  Most of the hikers had not been on parts of this trail.  We started at our regular start time of 8:30 and were finished by noon.  It was an easy 6.4 mile hike with a 442 foot elevation gain.

If you would like to see a few really nice photos taken during this hike, click here.