Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Greenway and Camp Jordan

9.27.12 Nance Jo, Earl  We decided to take a hike on the green-way toward Camp Jordan.  It was slightly overcast so we did not have to walk in the direct sun.  We parked off of East Brainerd Road and followed the Green-way trail toward Camp Jordan.  We took a slight wrong turn and ended up in the homeless camp.  A little bit scary!  We continued until the trail was completely blocked and then turned around.  We eventually fond the correct trail and arrived at Camp Jordan.  The walkway around CJ was precisely two miles.  Along the way we found ourselves in the middle of the national championship for frisbee dogs. What a treat! We watched them do their thing for a while and then continued on.  In all we covered 5.5 miles on this easy hike.  For a few pictures, click HERE or on the Camp Jordan tab above.

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