Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Roaring Creek

10.16.12  Caroline, Nance Jo, Sarah, Renee, Donna, Roger, Boodie, McBob, George, Larry, Ed, Earl  What a perfect day for a hike!  It started out cool and warmed up to maybe 70F.  Roaring Creek was full of water and really "roaring".  It was beautiful.  The first mile of the hike is pretty flat following along the creek.  Then the trail moves away from the creek and climbs for about another mile.  Nobody else was using the trail so we had it all to ourselves.  There were several trees down that we had to either cut our way through or climb over.  Their location was noted so that the rangers could come back and cut them down.  Once we reached the end of the trail we had a great sunshiny view over the valley.  We could really see a great distance.  The distance of this hike was 4.6 miles and I would rate it as moderate.  For a few pictures click HERE or on the Roaring Creek tab above.

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