Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Signal Mtn. HS to Poplar Springs and return

5.30.15    This was a strenuous 10 mile hike.  Even though though there were only three hikers, one of them, the hike leader, didn't make it the entire distance.  It is very unusual for the hike leader to not complete the entire hike and doubly so since the hike leader was a very good hiker!  It must have been a very strenuous hike.  The flower in the picture is a Trillium I think. Further more, the hike leader took additional pictures but had trouble uploading them to his computer.  Therefore, you will only see five pictures this time.  If you would like to see them click here or on the Signal Mtn. tab above.

1 comment:

  1. Earl - The misidentified flower is Indian Pink. Not too rare - one just needs to know where they grow.
