Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Roaring Creek 6.18.16

The hike scheduled for the 18th was Roaring Creek. The two hikers today ( John & George) decided to change the hike to explore the northern end of the trail segment under construction by CTC between the Upper Leggett and Roaring Creek Trailheads (down to the planned McGill Creek bridge). The two hiked about 5 miles (approximately 3 miles on recently constructed trail, about 1.5 miles on trail to be constructed, and a little over 0.5 miles of bushwhacking (while  following blue ribbons) looking for a waterfall near the trail
During the hike we came across a three person CTC crew working on constructing the trail. While talking with the crew we learned they are working Tuesday thru Saturday each week and would welcome some volunteer helpers. If interested please contact the CTC to coordinate work time and location.
We had only one picture due to a nearly dead telephone/camera. 

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