Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Lookout Mtn. Bluff Trail 1.21.20

Let's see, where should I start?  Well, it was COLD!!  Maybe the coldest hike the club has been on.  There were only seven of us on this hike and I am kind of surprised that even that many showed up.  The hike was 4.9 miles and except for the temperature it would be rated as easy.  The hike lasted 3hrs and 17min with a moving average of 2.1mph.  The starting temperature was in the low 20s and when we finished, I would guess it was just about freezing.  Luckily, the wind that was blowing was coming from the other side of the mountain and we were shadowed or we would have had a really tough time.  If you look at the pictures, you will see that the ice formations were beautiful.  We did notice that the camel back water system was subject to freezing which we had definitely not seen before.  When frozen, you can't get a drink from the tube.   We did have some problems, however.  Seems that a Prius is not designed for seven passengers.  Who would have thunk.  As you can see from the pictures, it was a tight squeeze, but we all made it.  Following the hike, we had a delightful, if expensive, meal at the Cafe on the Corner restaurant on Lookout Mtn.  If you would like to see some really nice pictures provided by Betsy, including maps and altitude graph, click here.  If you are trying to view the pictures through the TTA website and having trouble, please go directly to the BLOG at www.sdctta.blogspot.com.  Google Chrome is the preferred browser. 

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