Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Chickamauga Battlefield 2.25.2020

The day started out really really foggy, but by the time the hike was to commence it had cleared considerably.  Shortly into the hike the sun began peaking out and this was the beginning of a great 3.25 mile hike.  Some of the hikers took a little shortcut to Dalton Ford which gave them an extra 1/4 mile.  Jim Ogden, the lead historian at the battlefield, led this hike and as always he had incredible knowledge about what actually took place during this battle and how the personalities of the various leaders on both sides played a significant role.  Because of the frequent stops, this like lasted 3.0 hours.  Following the hike, we, of course, had lunch at the Park Place Restaurant where everyone had a great meal.  If you would like to see some pictures including maps and altitude graph, click here.  If you are trying to view the pictures on the TTA website and having trouble, please go directly to the BLOG at www.sdctta.blogspot.com.  Google Chrome is the preferred browser. 

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