Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Flipper Bend 3.7.2020

We hiked at Flipper Bend this weekend on a very pleasant hike of about 9.6miles.  The weather was excellent as were the views overlooking the Tennessee river Valley, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, and the Soddy Daisy area below us.  Five hikers participated in this hike. 
The elevation changes we encountered during the hike were moderate (about 1200 feet).  Our hike rate for this hike was slightly less than 2 mph, which was a comfortable pace for this terrain.  I'd rate this hike moderately strenuous. 
Portions of this hike also overlook the North Chickamauga Creek gorge and gave us good looks at the gorge and Soddy Daisy bluff homes on the north side of the gorge. 
If you would like to see some pictures of this hike as well as a map, click here.  If you are viewing the pictures through the TTA website and having trouble, please go directly to the BLOG as www.sdctta.blogspot.com.  Google Chrome is the preferred browser. 

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