Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Pot Point Nature Trail 8.21.2020

Five hikers enjoyed a morning walk on the Pot Point NatureTrail. The trailhead and parking is located just off River Canyon Road, across from the Pot Point cabin. It is an easy to moderate loop trail, mostly a packed dirt path - no rocks, rare root. The first half of the trail climbed through the forest just east of Prentice Cooper State Forest. In the hollow below, we looked for old moonshine still remains but didn’t see any. Occasionally a tumbled-down rock wall bore witness to the hard working farmers of previous generations. After a couple of miles, we crossed River Canyon Road and walked near and along the Tennessee River. The trail here was rather weedy with a few downed trees to climb over. A short road walk led to a meadow with flowers, virgin’s bower, blue mist flower, ironweed and Southern sneezeweed, to feed the butterflies.

If you would like to see some photos taken during this hike, including a map, click here.  If you are trying to view the photos through the TTA website and having trouble, please go directly to the blog at www.sdctta.blogspot.com.  

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