Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Gee Creek 7.9.2024

 What brings six hikers into the woods on a hot, humid day? Why, a beautiful creek that twists & drops multiple times creating beautiful cascades & waterfalls, of course!!

The hike to Gee Creek Falls has it all… water falling everywhere, rock scrambles, a mysterious ending point, & an intriguing relic concrete structure that remains in place today.

Always up for a good adventure were Tom, Carl, John, Mike, Lori, and hike leader Jennifer. The first part of the hike is just an easy walk through the woods but quickly begins to get rocky with a slight incline. After passing several cascades, the group encountered its first rock scramble, which required some careful footwork. Next, we spotted something very unnatural in a natural setting… a concrete flume of some sort. After the hike, we learned that the structure was a concrete water diverter or flume placed there by the Tennessee Copper Company. The company, in operation from 1825-1860, wasn’t mining copper at Gee Creek but instead using the flume to wash mined silica that was used in the copper smelting process… providing flux for furnaces processing copper. Almost 200 years later, Gee Creek still flows through this flume today!

Soon, the group made it to Gee Creek Falls… a beautiful 25 ft. waterfall. The beauty of the falls isn’t its height but how water diverts around stones to create a twin waterfall effect. After taking a break & getting a great group picture at the falls, some of the group soldiered on for more adventure. Crossing the creek meant getting our feet in the water. We all decided just to plow through in our hiking shoes & boots (who has time to put on water shoes?!… haha!), and the water felt amazing! After crossing two creeks & scrambling through more rocks, we came to several cascades & another beautiful waterfall. This was our turnaround spot. The trail does continue on after this point, but the trail is a bit overgrown, requires many creek crossings, hurdling lots of blowdown, & following a faint trail that eventually disappears, so we decided to save that adventure for another day. We had a great group & had a good time on the trail. We also had a tasty lunch after the hike at The Local Goat near the carpool meetup location in Ooltewah.  

If you would like to see some really nice pictures taken during this hike, click here.  

The love triangle soon turned into a wrecktangle.

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