Weekly Trials and Tribulations of the Scenic City Chapter of the TTA

Weekly Trials. Tribulations and Photos experienced while hiking

Soddy Creek Gorge, 12.21.2024


Bundled up against the 20-degree wind chill, 5 hikers ventured on the north Soddy Gorge section of the CT. Peaceful, with sounds of crackling leaves underfoot, the lonely whooo of trains traversing the valley below, sandhill cranes trilling. Up and down the gorges of Little Soddy creek, Deep creek, and Big Soddy we tramped over lots of rocks, boulders and some really big rocks. 

Thanks to the dedicated volunteers who maintain the trails. They had recently cut many fallen trees from the trail. But there is still that 1 old tree remaining across the path to challenge hikers. 

In the distance, looking up the bluff through the trees, we saw a big dark shadow. Could it be Sasquatch (following our own Yeti-aka hiker Tom)? It was a bit of a blur, but I’m quite sure we sighted Big Foot!

A nearly 8 miles trek with an elevation gain of 1078 feet.

I did not get any pictures from this hike.  

In 1920 we took children out of the coal mines.

In 2020 the most popular video game on the market is minecraft.

The children yearn for the mines. 

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