Saturday was forecasted with a low possibility of rain. You know how it is – if 1 hiker says let’s go, the others fall in line and like 3 little ducklings, we did. We waddled our way up the north Soddy gorge trail and turned right at the big rock that is covered abundantly in purple phacelia in the spring. (There is also a sign for those who think 1 rock looks like another.) About 2 miles in, we flew over some big boulders as water crashed down the bluff. Unfortunately these ducks landed in an angry briar patch off the trail. With fierce determination and bushwhacking, we regained our trail.
Next on the path was a magnificent rock house. We stopped to access our briar patch wounds; a few ruffled feathers amongst the blood. Continuing on, the bluff sprinkled water on us – what duck doesn’t love the water! Up and up we trod until there was no more trail. Where did it go? About 20 feet below us, we could see the path. Well, ducks certainly don’t like to backtrack, so of course, we slid down the side of the bluff using our orange webbed feet as rudders and brakes.
Our next adventure was a waterfall bursting from the top of the bluff directly on the trail. We could walk behind the falls or through it. Well, 1 duckling said let’s go through and as you know, ducklings line up and follow the lead duck. We went through, quacking, water rolling off our backs, then ascended the rickety wooden stairs on the other side.
The rest of the hike was a nice waddle through the pine forest, a few streams to fly over, and enjoying the cascading Board Camp creek. And it never rained.
We put in 8 miles with an elevation gain of 1148 webbed feet.
If you would like to see some really nice pictures taken during this hike, click here or on the picture to the right.
Nihilism, there's nothing like it!
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